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Are you really too busy?

June 20, 2023

Let's be honest, you are not too busy, you have just de-prioritised me...

I thought I might share this, in the hope to stir up a conversation and maybe offend a few people......

Let’s all be honest, there are busy people who make time to eat healthy food, there are busy people who go to the gym 6 days a week, there are busy people who make time for their partner and there are busy people who never miss their children's school concerts, I could keep going on…

And I reckon that all these people are all just as busy as you or I, so what is their secret?

Perhaps, before thinking about this, I have been thinking, why do people claim they are too busy? I think there are 2 main reasons:

1) Priorities: Whatever you are claiming to be too busy for at the moment, is just not that important to you at this time in your life, simple as that?

You may claim that work is too busy for you to spend enough time with your kids/partner or your fitness is poor as a result of long work hours but is that really the case or are you simply making the choice to prioritize work over your partner, kids, fitness at this time?

I think we all know the answer to this. Maybe we just need to own our priorities and choices we are making instead of hiding behind the shelter of claiming to be busy?

2) Procrastinating in my opinion is the second main cause of putting off the important things that should be done and is often a major contributor to false ‘busyness’. Procrastination often occurs for a variety of reasons but usually because of a fear of failure or worrying too much about what someone thinks about us. Who is guilty of using, Youtube , Facebook or a Messenger app to escape what we know we should be really doing? I know I am on occasions.

So how do we own priorities and eliminate the illusion of busyness?

The answer I think is really simple, it is not about making or creating more time for ourselves, in my opinion it is all about owning our choices and being honest with the decisions that we make.

If we are honest with ourselves and others and own the priorities we choose, everything that doesn't make our list, will get done when it becomes important in due course.

Maybe it is as simple as that and it is time we all learn to say a Hell Yeah or no?

Do you agree with the illusion of busyness or am I missing the mark, please let me know your thoughts

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