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Dare to Disrupt: A Rebellious Guide for Young Adults

December 3, 2023

“Be very careful that the very things you may wish for that will make you like everyone else could well be the thing that ends up making you just like everyone else”

Call me a dreamer or idealist, but in recent times, I've done a lot of reflecting upon my life journey to date and spoken to many others who have had far more interesting, unique, and successful journeys than mine. And there seem to be some common principles that I have learnt that I dare say could go against many of the current societal expectations and conventional advice given to many young people.

1. Chase Your Passions, Not Expectations

Don't let societal expectations or parental pressure dictate your path. Follow your heart, pursue your passions, and discover what truly ignites you. Your journey should be driven by your own aspirations, not the expectations of others. It is an old but a true saying that the happiest people work to live, not live to work.

2. Good is the Enemy of Great

Don't settle for mediocrity. Embrace your ambition, don't run from it! You are capable of going beyond your perceived limitations. Remember, aiming high fuels innovation, passion, and propels you towards a more authentic and fulfilling life.

3. Swing for the Fences

Being young is the best time to be bold and daring. Don't be afraid to take risks, embrace challenges, and swing for the fences. It's okay to face strikes, make mistakes, and have setbacks as they are life's invaluable lessons. Remember, true growth and success often emerges from overcoming obstacles faced when we swing big.

4. Prioritize Experiences over Possessions

Material possessions like cars, homes and heavy debt burdens like university educations can quickly become curses in disguise as they are usually tied into long term debt that takes a lifetime of work to service. Don't let the pursuit of material or societal expectations trap you in a cycle of debt and discontentment as once you're in it, it is nearly impossible to get out.

Focus your time on creating experiences, memories, and moments – those hold true value and enrich your life exponentially.

5. Ambition vs. Entitlement: Chart Your Own Course

There's a vast difference between ambition and entitlement. Ambition fuels the drive to chase your goals, create your own opportunities, and empower yourself. Entitlement, however, fosters a passive approach, expecting success to be handed to you by others.

Choose ambition, make the extra effort and actively seek your aspirations. Remember, true authentic satisfaction comes from building your own dreams, not waiting for them to magically appear.

These five simple principles offer a potential roadmap for young people starting their journey, they are not for everyone but useful reminders that with authentic ambition, courage, and dedication in the pursuit of your excellence, you can create a life beyond your wildest dreams.