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Why Action Should Be Your #1 Priority for 2024 (Drop the New Year Resolutions)

December 20, 2023

If you're planning goals for 2024 or have a New Year's resolution list, what single ingredient would most likely turn your dreams for next year into reality?

2023 brought me the gift of incredible conversations with inspiring podcast guests. One question that kept popping up was “ what common thread binds your guests and fuels their success, despite their diverse stories”?

There is no simple answer to this but the first common thread all my guests had, without a doubt is their ability to take action.

Be it Carl Jennings methodology on "The Behavior of Success," the story behind Arlene Blencowe's meteoric rise in the combat world, or Carissa Fullers unwavering courage at the start of her wrestling career or Marwan Hussein's incredible taekwondo coaching career, their journeys all share the commonality of taking action.

There's a reason why "talk is cheap" exists. When it comes to achieving anything worthwhile, action reigns supreme. It's one of the key factors separating those who dream of success from those who make it happen.

Social media is flooded with influencers peddling half-truths and quick-fix solutions around “ how to be successful”. But for me, the consistent theme emerging from my guests is far more straightforward and simple and " taking action", despite its simplicity is one of the most essential components.

Why is taking action so important?

  • It Builds momentum: Once you start taking steps, no matter how small they are, things become easier in any pursuit, whether it is losing weight, saving money, or anything else that is important to you.
  • Forces learning and adaptation and builds resilience: Action will sometimes bring challenges and setbacks, but instead of trying to avoid this, embrace it, as opportunities to learn and grow. Overcoming obstacles builds resilience and resourcefulness, vital for achieving our goals.
  • Inspires others: When you take action and achieve results, you show others that it's possible. You become a role model for friends, family, and everyone around you.

Feeling overwhelmed by that list of ambitions for 2024? Start small. Choose a goal, break it down into bite-sized action steps and start taking action on them.

Before you know it, the momentum of your action will take you much closer to those dreams than any traditional resolution list ever will.