July 11, 2024

Half way through and I have "Failed" My Year-Long Goal, But have Never Been More On Track!

This year, I challenged myself to take at least 20,000 steps every single day for the whole year. ️‍

192 days in (halfway there!), personal reflection shows I've "failed" that goal ... but here's the thing: I've never felt more on track!

In fact, despite being pretty disciplned this year and pushing through things like the Flu and injured feet, I've failed my goal twice: once the day after the Step Into Action 30-Hour walk (thought I better give my feet a rest that day!), and again after an unexpected hospital visit.

Despite clearly "failing" in my original goal I am currently sitting at an average of over 28 000 steps per day for the last 192 days and have in fact adapted my original goal and will now attempt to increase the step target to an average of 30 000 per day for the next 6 months.

Will I achieve the new goal? who knows and to be honest I know no one else really cares other than me. The real value I have got out of this process is the reinforcement of 4 simple but powerful lessons:
1. Resilience is the Name of the Game: Life will always throw us curveballs and setbacks. But it's how we bounce back and keep moving forward – one step at a time – that truly matters. The hospital visit I mentioned happened just 10 days in this year! If I'd quit this challenge then, where would my steps be now?


2. Adaptability is Key: Success in any field requires the ability for us to be comfortable to adapt our plans & goals, even when our destination or vision stay the same. The scaffolding we build to achieve success has to continue to grow and adapt with us or our growth remains stagnant.

3. Failing is awesome: Failure is often the best thing that can happen to us when we are looking to achieve a goal as long as we listen and learn. The real lessons for me never occurr when I am winning.

4. Small Steps Lead to Big Changes: When I set the 20,000 step a day goal this seemed like a stretch goal for me for 2024. Now, I'm on track for 30,000. This has only been achieved by the daily actions accumulating, leading to improvements in my fitness through stepping!

Speaking of stepping if,are you looking for ways to stay active and boost your mental well-being? Come join me at Step Into Action! We're a community dedicated to promoting mental wellbeing through walking events and have lots of events comnmg up including a Virtual walk challenges and a Australia first walk festival.

#StepIntoAction #MentalHealth #Resilience #Walking #NeverGiveUp

Together, let's step into action and crush our goals! #StepIntoAction #MentalHealth #Resilience #Walking #NeverGiveUp