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Who knew taking a few steps could secretly hold the Key to Wellness

July 3, 2023

There has never been a more crucial time to prioritize our mental health and well-being! Amidst the vast amount of online information about mental health, it's so easy to get overwhelmed and confused oftern leading to inaction.

However, sometimes the solutions are simpler than we think....

For me, the most significant personal influence on maintaining my positive mental health has been the simple act of walking, something that almost all of us can do. Walking has had such a profound impact on my life that I believe it is now the vehicle through which I can most impact the world by building a revolution of resileince built arond putting one foot infront of the other.

The simple act of walking has led me down a path of adventures, including some life-changing charity walks, such as the one featured in the new clip below.

I have become increasingly passionate about sharing the profound mental health benefits of walking, which I believe extend far beyond the well-known physical advantages. While most people are aware of walking's physical benefits, its mental health benefits that still remain underappreciated and largely undiscovered.

Here are five benefits I have personally experienced from walking, which have enhanced my mental well-being that I hope other can gain the same value from.

Social Connection:

While walking can be a deeply personal experience for me and I get real value from solo walks, it also provides an opportunity for social connection and has been one of the biggest rewards of my charity walks, being the community or tribe that has been created. Engaging in walks with friends, family and even complete strangers and sharing conversations and laughter is a great way to reduce isolation and nurture our mental health.

Reduction of Stimulatory and technology Overload:

Walking offers me an escape from the overwhelming sensory overload we often face in our daily lives. By getting out into nature and walking and away from my phone enables me to start to disconnect from the technology, noise and distractions that are a constant drain on my mental energy. Even a short 30 minute break of walking can have an amazing effect on my energy and productivity levels.

Mindfulness and Stress Reduction:

Walking nearly always helps me to slow my over-active mind and has become my personal form of active meditation, where each step is an opportunity to be present and mindful. Walking nearly always reduces my baseline anxiety levels and activates a state of mindfulness. When I am feeling low I have found no better way to flip the switch.

Endorphins and Well-being:

Engaging in walking, even at a moderate pace, triggers the release of endorphins—these feel-good hormones always seem to uplift my mood and lower any anxiety and depression.

Creative Thinking and Problem-Solving:

Walking has long been recognised as a great way to stimulate creativity and problem-solving. I know I have solved almost all my big life challenges whilst walking from relationship to jobs challenges and have always incorporated walking meetings into businesses I have been involved with.

As we engage in walking, it seems our mental blocks can dissolve, and innovative ideas effortlessly emerge. Some of history's greatest minds and artists, such as Winston Churchill have relied on walks to ignite their imagination and find solutions to complex problems.

Walking is a free, simple and accessible activity for nearly any age that holds immense power in enhancing our mental well-being. It offers a break from the chaos of modern life we all have to live in, releases endorphins, cultivates mindfulness, sparks creativity, and nurtures social connections. .

If you are looking for a way to improve your mental well-being, I encourage you to lace up your shoes and take some more steps and if you are feeling extra brave you may want to join me for my next walk adventure coming very soon.