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What if the answer is simpler than you think?

May 6, 2024

In today's fast-paced world, prioritising our mental health is more important than ever. Getting lost in a sea of online information about “ what to do”, it can be easy to fell overwhelmed and unsure where to begin. But what if the answer was simpler than you think?

For me, the key to maintaining my positive mental wellbeing has been the simple act of walking.

This simple but accessible activity has had a profound impact on my life and opened doors to incredible adventures and opportunities and now, I want to share the profound mental health benefits and empower others by building a "walking movement" focused around, community, connection and resilience called "Step into action" 

Here are five ways walking has positively impacted my mental well-being, and I hope it can have the same impact on others.

1. Social Connection:

While solo walks offer me the ability for quiet reflection or to listen and learn from podcasts etc walking can also be a fantastic way to connect with others. The camaraderie that came out of Step into Action 2024 exemplifies this perfectly. Sharing difficult conversations through to laughter with friends, family, or even strangers, reduces isolation, bonds connection and fosters a sense of real community.

2. Reduced Stimulation Overload:

Walking offers a much-needed escape from the constant digital bombardment we face daily. Immersing ourselves in nature disconnects us from technology, noise, and distractions that can drain mental energy. A short 15-minute walk can significantly boost energy and productivity especially at time of day when you fell most drained.

3. Mindfulness and Stress Reduction:

For me, walking acts as a form of active meditation. Each step provides an opportunity to be present and mindful, slowing my constant overactive mind. This practice demonstrably reduces my baseline anxiety and cultivates mindfulness – a powerful tool for me to combat low moods.

4. Endorphin Boost and Well-being:

Even moderate-paced walking triggers the release of endorphins – feel-good hormones that naturally elevate mood and combat anxiety and depression.

5. Spark Creativity and Problem-Solving:

Walking is a well-known tool for stimulating creativity and problem-solving. I've personally tackled many of my life challenges – from work issues to relationships – on walks. Incorporating walking meetings into my businesses has also fostered innovative ideas and improved communication. As we walk, mental blocks seem to dissolve, allowing solutions to effortlessly emerge.

Of course, these are only my experiences and for those keen to dig into more research into this area, here is an interesting Australian study from 2023 by the University of South Australia which examines various exercise interventions for managing depression, anxiety, and distress. The review concluded that physical activity, including walking, was even more effective than medication or counseling for these conditions

The Power of Walking:

Walking is a free, simple, and accessible activity for all ages and for me holds immense but unappreciated power for boosting mental well-being. It offers a break from the modern world's chaos, releases endorphins, cultivates mindfulness, sparks creativity, and strengthens social connections.

Ready to Lace Up?

If you're looking to improve your mental well-being, take the first step! Put on your shoes and start walking and join our walk movement community on facebook at